In every interview comes that dreaded moment when the interviewer asks, “do you have any questions for me”? While silence is not a faux pas in an interview, you should come prepared to answer this question, since it is inevitable, and since the interview is a 2-way conversation!
Here are 5 questions that will demonstrate you are thought-full, prepared, and leading the pack:
1. I noticed last week that (a. – this is where you fill-in with a news item you read about the firm), how do you think this will effect (b. – again, fill-in with possibilities)?
a. The CEO has tendered her resignation b. the senior leadership team
a. The firm is moving to a new location b. the morale of staff
a. The announcement of a digital program b. next quarters sales projections
2. I read that you have been with the company for X years and that you came from a smaller environment similar to mine. Can you tell me about your transition and what the bumps in the road were for you?
3. The mission statement on your website is what really made me interested in the firm. Can you explain to me how you think this practically plays into your job on a daily basis?
4. Culturally, I have come from environments where all employees worked collaboratively – even including those who worked remotely. Since this opportunity is a remote opportunity, how do you all create inclusiveness among the teams?
5. Can you tell me the characteristics of a person who has served in this function and done so with success?
These questions are among many you could choose and craft for a specific opportunity. The key is to make sure they cannot answer them with a simple “yes” or “no”, or you will not learn anything. Make certain you are asking a question the interviewer can answer – your purpose is to express sincere interest, not to embarrass the interviewer. Always remember – an interview is a discovery tour – for the interviewer AND for the candidate!
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